Monday, August 2, 2010

Hate blog forum exposes those attacking ARC!

A new forum and blog series has appeared online, much of it exposing those individuals responsible for past and present attacks against

Here are two of these sites:

Hate Blog Watch Forum

Sergey Romanov Watch blog

Some detailed and factual information about the efforts of the Holocaust vandals and hate blogging can be found on these sites.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ARC team asks hate bloggers to cease attacking the Action Reinhard Camps website.

The genuine Action Reinhard Camps Team kindly requests that hate blog teams please cease and desist from attacking the ARC website.

It has been almost 4 years since ARC was first vandalized in late 2006, and since the trustees made the decision to archive the rebuilt website indefinitely, it has been under constant malware and denial of service attacks.

There are other avenues for neo-Nazi and hate blogger groups to vent their  incessant need to destroy.
Please seek those out and leave ARC in peace.

The ARC team

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Roberto Muehlenkamp banned from ARC

Roberto Muehlenkamp  has been identified as a member of a known hate-blog and has been banned from access to the ARC website, library, archives and digital resources.

Please disregard all links to ARC on blog posts authored by Roberto Muehlenkamp.

Thank you,