Friday, April 18, 2008

Counterfeit version of the Genuine ARC website removed from Google, Yahoo, MSN, Wikipedia!

The fight against website piracy continues!

The counterfeit version of the genuine Action Reinhard Camps website with the "hyphenated URL" has been removed from Wikipedia and from the indexes of the major search engines!

The following search engines have removed the counterfeit "death-camps" URL

Google! Yahoo! MSN! Wikipedia!

The counterfeit website spelled "death-camps" has been banned for it's violation of US & international copyright laws.

Currently the owners of this fraudulent copy site have been changing domain registrants from one European country to another, in an effort to maintain their illegal activities and stay one step ahead of the law...

However the Genuine ARC team vows to keep up the fight against these vandals, hate bloggers, and con artists!

We thank all of our supporters for their gracious support against hatred, bigotry and lies.

- The Genuine ARC Trustees and team.